Main Topics of Interest

Here are some areas of expertise that I have developed interest in during my life.

Sound Healing

Gong, Didgeridoo, Singing Bowls, ASMR, Overtone- and Undertone singing (throat singing), Chakra Toning, Mantras, Voice coaching, Intuitive jamming, Dub Soundsystem, Free Expressive Dancing.

Science and Philosophy

Physics, Astrophysics, Mathematics, Alchemy, Technology, Plants and Animals, Physiology (nervous system, fascia, muscles and hormones), Metaphysics, Psychology, Archetypes, Non-Duality, Consciousness, Artificial Intelligence, Teaching.

Communication and Intimacy

Love Languages, Attachment Theory, Conscious Relationships, Relational Trauma, Narcissistic traits, Honesty, Boundaries, Expressing Needs, Non-Violent Communication, Polyamory, Eye-Gazing, Cuddling, Co-regulation, Conscious Touch, Massage, Shibari, Sacred Sexuality.

Tantra and Energy

The Chakra System, Tantric Massage, Energy Circulation, Conscious Breathing, Meditation, Yoga, Mantras, Yantras, The Five Tibetan Rites, Kundalini Energy, Polarities, Masculinity and Femininity, Shiva and Shakti, Enlightenment, Spiritual Liberation.

Shamanism and Nature

Ceremonial Space, Medicine Wheels, The Elements and Directions, Cycles of the Moon and Seasons, Connecting with Nature and Animals, Plant Medicine, Spiritual Emergency Integration, Grounding, Survivalism.


Shadow Work and Shadow Integration, Trauma, Triggers, Inner Child Work, Tarot, The Subconscous, Emotional Mastery, Dream Symbols, Lucid Dreaming, Manifestation, Integrity, Systems Thinking, Physical Exercise.

Events and Spaceholding

Here are some examples of public events I host.
Follow my page on Facebook to receive notifications about my upcoming events!

Robert's Holistic Vibrations on Facebook

Upcoming Events

On my Facebook Page you can see the events I'm hosting or co-creating.

Image by Johanna Kaisjoki

Sound Meditations and Gong Baths

Using a variety of instruments (mainly the Gong, rattles, drum, didgeridoo and my voice), I create an intuitive sound journey rich in overtones and mystical sounds that can be both pleasant, energising, relaxing and potentially healing. During these events, you are invited to lie down on the floor with your eyes closed and allow your body and soul to bathe in the sacred vibrations. In my experience, these instruments are exceptional for cutting through the thinking mind and reaching a hypnagogic state, between wakefulness and sleep, where you can find deep healing, spontaneous insights and mystical visions.

In addition to monthly gong baths at Bare Flyt Yoga in Oslo, I occasionally hold other sound healing events at other places, both alone and together with other skilled sound healing enthusiasts!

Cuddle Parties

Together with Pål Bergman, and under the brand of Nytfestivalen, we are hosting regular cuddle parties (Møljekos) in Oslo. Physical touch is one of the first languages we learn, and the main way for prehistoric humans and many animals to bond with their social group. Cuddles in a safe environment is linked to long-term wellbeing, health, connection and relaxation.

A cuddle party is a safe place to explore non-sexual physical touch, without expectations of something more. There are usually several introductory exercises where great emphasis is placed on getting in touch with your boundaries, clearly feeling and expressing YES and NO, and asking for what you want. When I host a cuddle party, I intend to create a safe atmosphere with authentic connection within the group. I also invite the participants to open up for healing and for the unfolding of natural emotional processes that can happen when exploring these vulnerable ways of interaction.

Feel free to follow the Facebook group "Cuddle Events Oslo and surroundings" for the latest updates on upcoming events! See the Links section for podcasts and articles about cuddling.

Central artwork by Anna Perry

Special Healing Circles

On special occasions, often close to the full moon or other astronomical events, I hold space in intentional circles inspired by shamanistic ceremonies. This can look like a cacao ceremony, sharing circle, breathing exercises, singing and dancing, connection with nature, and other activities that we find appropriate for our common intention. Contact me for more information and maybe we can co-create a healing circle!

Image by Johanna Kaisjoki

Tantric Events and Temples

Together with other skilled tantrikas, we hold sacred space in Tantric Temples. Here we focus on sensuality, healthy sexuality, and the flow of life-force energy (Kundalini). Consent and a safe container is very important, and we offer exercises and meditations to open your consciousness to connect with the group from a place of divine love and respect.

One-to-One Services

I offer a variety of services on a private basis. My main focus is as a Tantra Therapist.
In addition to the services listed here, I am happy to offer custom sessions for your needs upon request!

Private sessions can be held either in your home, in my home in Oslo, online, in nature, or in a therapy room (at an additional cost of rent)

Booking Details

Image by Johanna Kaisjoki

Tantra Therapy

Tantra Therapy is a deeply intuitive form of therapy, which combines coaching, shadow integration, breath/meditation, bodywork, sound and energy work. I hold space for deep vulnerability, authentic expression and limitless love. I believe that the magic we create together can be the foundation for lasting healing and empowerment in your life. There are no topics that are off-limit, and often we can touch upon and transform deep rooted patterns that are holding you back from your true potential. Before the session begins, you set the intention for your healing, and we clearly agree on boundaries with regards to clothing and touch.
I trained to be a Tantra Therapist at the Art of Love in Sweden. Read more about tantra therapy here.

Examples of areas where this kind of therapy can be especially transformative are: Spiritual growth, self-esteem, body image, sexuality and sexual dysfunctions, shadow exploration, emotional mastery, Kundalini activation, sex magick, grounding and embodiment.

Typical duration: 2 hours. Price: 2500 kr. Package of 5 sessions for 11 000 kr

Private Sound Healing Ceremony

For 1 to 4 participants.

First we set up a ceremonial space together, holding hands, breathing, and setting personal intentions for the healing. The ceremony itself can be receiving a sound bath, or look more like a jam session or voice coaching where we create vibrations together. We use a variety of instruments (mainly the Gongs, drums, rattles, jaw harp, didgeridoo, chimes, singing bowls, and our voices). In my experience, the sacred vibrations of these instruments are exceptional for cutting through the thinking mind and reaching a hypnagogic state, between wakefulness and sleep, where you can find deep healing, spontaneous insights and mystical visions. The deep meditative state is perfect for manifestation and re-programming the subconscious mind.

Typical duration: 1 - 2 hours. Price: 1000 kr for one hour, 1800 kr for two hours. Extra for transport of equipment.

Shadow Exploration Consultancy with Tarot

Do you ever experience different parts of you wanting different things? Do you find yourself doing and saying things that are "sabotaging" your goals? Or are there questions and problems in your subconscious that you want to explore further? I have many years of experience with exploring my own shadows and those of others through various techniques, including Tarot readings.

Duration: 45 minute sessions. Price: 1000 kr. Package of 10 sessions for 8 000 kr

Image by Johanna Kaisjoki

Life Coaching

Spiritual, emotional and intellectual coaching. I have experience from many aspects of living a life of integrity in "normal" society, while still being myself, having friends and relationships, maintaining a career, healing emotionally, training physically and expanding spiritually. I would love to help you to fulfill your potential and live the life of your dreams too!

Typical duration: 45 minute sessions. Price: 1000 kr. Package of 10 sessions for 8 000 kr

Image by Johanna Kaisjoki

Energy Work

Using techniques like breathwork, movement, meditation and touch, I help you in exploring, activating, balancing and expanding their Human Energy Field. When interacting with your chakras, I will often pick up colours, images or sensations that are associated with your process and intention. I approach this work in a sensitive and intuitive way.

Typical duration: 45 minute sessions. Price: 1000 kr. Package of 10 sessions for 8 000 kr. Also a natural part of Tantra Therapy.

Image by Johanna Kaisjoki

Tantra Massage

A sensual, soft and meditative oil-massage designed to help you relax, get in touch with your pleasure, feel intimate connection and skin-to-skin contact, and at the same time to start moving energies in your body. A tantric massage can put you in a deep trance-like state, and may also spark emotions and visions. In general this is a full-body massage, which can be tuned to focus on for instance your back, torso, face, feet, fascia, lymphatic system, or specific energy centres. Before the massage, we have an introductory conversation where we both express clearly our boundaries, intentions and expectations for the massage.

Typical duration: 1.5 hours. Price: 1800 kr

Spiritual Emergency Integration (and Therapy)

I can be a guide during, and in the integration period after, a deep, mystical, transformational and potentially traumatic and mind-shattering event of Spiritual Emergence. I have experience with being present both for myself and others, guiding the traveller through various states of consciousness without judgement or pre-conceptions about the outcome. In these circumstances and in the integration process, I place a big emphasis on encouraging the exploration and re-construction of your new world-view based on your own intention, insights and values.

Price and duration depending on individual circumstances. Please contact me on Signal messenger: +47 99 24 65 27

Contact and Booking

Contact me through any of the following if you have questions, comments, or want to book a session. I can offer reduced prices for those with a reduced income, let me know your needs and I'm sure we can come to an agreement.

If you are not sure which kind of session you need for your healing intention, we can set up a short call for free, to align and customise our work together.

Book a free 15 minute call


SMS, Signal, Telegram: (+47) 99 24 65 27

Facebook Page

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Reviews written by clients or participants at my events


Roberts intuition is something else. I think he is one of the top space holders when it comes to fully tuning in and creating a safe space that can hold the full range of emotions. It feels like I don't have to hold back any parts of me, which allows the work to go pretty deep. I've experienced gaining more clarity around key themes and getting more in touch with the body, feeling supported and stronger in myself. Warmly recommended.

Emma Sommer
45 yrs, artist, mother of two, aktivitør

I have attended a one 5 hour workshop with Robert and I experienced him to be a kind, caring, curiouse and authentic guide. His sound healing was truly magical moving me into connection and healing. A true sound Journey. Holistic vibrations is what I experienced. Such a Great description or summary. Expanding and mirrowing, explaining and connecting with the universe which is larger Than words.

Therese, 36

Robert skaper helt unike menneskemøter og indre reiser.
Han tiltrettelegger slik at det å utforske seg selv, nytelse og grenser i møte med andre føles trygt og spennende. Robert skaper deilige reiser inn i kroppen. Øker bevisstheten på hvordan lyd og nærhet påvirker akkurat meg. Rett og slett deilig, avslappende og spennende


Note that I (Robert Hagala) don't say that I perform healing or that I am a healer/shaman etc. To the best of my ability I hold space and create the conditions for healing, but in the end it is your own body and conscious intention that does the actual healing.

I am not a licensed health or medical professional, psychologist, ceremonial spaceholder, yoga instructor etc. I hold a PhD in astrophysics, and have a Tantra Therapist diploma (from the Art of Love). I offer complimentary ways to see things in a broader perspective, but please do not trust me blindly. If you are at all uncertain about anything I tell you, listen to yourself first, and feel free to cross-check with qualified experts.